Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Best Hair Loss Treatment Revealed By Analyst

Some individuals are so desperate for the best hair loss treatment they become victims to hype and dubious promises which only lead to disappointment and a lighter pocket!

Leading international hair loss advisor Jonathon E. Phillips sets out in his ebook "Hair Loss No More" (see Resource Box below) to protect the innocent consumer against being enticed by false claims. At the same time he sets out a Step-By-Step Hair Power Regimen that doesn't cost much except a little time and effort. In his opinion this is certainly the best hair loss treatment compared with prescription drugs and other remedies.

Mr. Phillips gives a very full explanation in his book regarding hair growth and the various factors contributing to hair loss. It is evident he is an expert in his field.

He believes the best hair loss treatment must involve the whole body. After all, applying lotions to the exterior or taking prescription drugs can be no match for understanding how your body works and the key elements of healthy blood and good blood circulation for hair follicles that work well and produce new hair.

"Hair Loss No More" is divided into 3 parts with an excellent Appendix section which provides illuminating information on popular methods considered by some to be the best hair loss treatment including drugs such as Rogaine and Propecia.

The first section of the book gives an in-depth consideration of male pattern baldness, female hair loss, the effect of diet and nutrition, exercise, stress, and heredity factors which have a bearing on hair loss.

Section two then focuses on what Mr. Phillips believes is the best hair loss treatment - his revolutionary Step-By-Step Hair Power Regimen. In details he sets out a three part regimen which treats the whole person to ensure the risk of hair loss is greatly reduced and healthy hair growth is maintained.

While it may take some effort to implement, the regimen makes sense. There are no hypish false claims here. It does require an examination of one's lifestyle. But then, if you are serious about keeping your hair, I would imagine the sacrifice is minimal in view of what is at stake.

In section three, Mr. Phillips gives some of the best explanations of various hair loss procedures including laser, transplants, hair lotions, and drugs such as Rogaine and Propecia. Some of the details may surprise you.

Finally the Appendix gives much information on various methods for helping the body reduce stress and stay in good 'operating condition.'

Mr. Phillips' answer to the question "What is the best hair loss treatment" may not sit easy with anyone looking for a quick, easy, immediate solution. In all honesty such a remedy does not exist. Even the FDA has issued a statement to that effect.

However, the guidelines in "Hair Loss No More" certainly demands close examination. Treating hair loss from the inside my be the best hair loss treatment you can get!

Mike Jones is a writer and webmaster with over 10 years experience. His recommendation – a natural, herbal hair loss solution as opposed to a hair loss drug:

The NewHair Biofactors System with deep cleansing shampoo - Click here:

Browse the "Hair Loss No More" Table of Contents here:

Hair Loss Research Library:

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Herbal Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss has been a source of terrible embarrassment and anxiety for some people. They often associate it with old age and hide it by wearing hats or wigs. Most people will, once or twice in their lifetime try some form of hair growth medicines. But the truth is, most of them doesn't work or will just irritate your scalp and make your hair dry.

That's why herbal methods are the best way to treat hair loss. Not only are they effective but they assure you of a safe way to treat your hair. Herbs are all natural and organic. There are no synthetic chemicals to irritate your scalp. Here are some herbal remedies:

For example, Green tea contains enzymes called 5 Alpha Reductase that can help men who are suffering from male pattern baldness have a head full of hair.

For centuries, Stinging nettle has been a well-known home remedy for hair loss. Nowadays, you can buy capsules of this herb which you can take once or twice a day to prevent hair loss.

Taken twice a week, saw palmetto has lots of known curative factors including hair growth.

The Ginko biloba is a Chinese remedy for almost all known ailments but it has also been scientifically proven to help increase blood flow and improve blood circulation. With increased blood supply to your scalp, it can improve hair growth considerably.

The secret to uninterrupted hair growth is a clean and healthy scalp. Rosemary not only does that but it also makes your hair smoother and softer. Shampoos in the market today have rosemary in them but the more natural way of preparing this concoction is boiling a sprig of this with water. You can also immerse rosemary in essential oils (Italians use olive oil) for a week and massage onto scalp, leave for 5 to 10 minutes and wash dry.

Aloe vera has been used to heal skin abrasions and other skin problems. Giving a soothing and cleansing effect, it can directly be applied to your scalp squeezing from an aloe stalk. Both these home remedies will promote hair to grow.

Another great herbal treatment is capsicum, which works by causing a mild irritation to the scalp boosting an increase in blood supply to it. You can mix it with lemon grass - a daily treatment of this will show results in hair growth in a few weeks.

Other herbs that can help promote hair growth are rose hips, dandelion, elder flowers and burdock. These can be applied directly to the scalp in a form of paste or mixed with oils (coconut or olive oils). With patience and regular applications, these tried-and-tested herbal hair loss treatments will give you the results you need.

Stop hair loss and obtain the best hair loss treatments & products today!

More useful information of Hair Loss Treatments, visit

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Organin for Hair Loss: The New Treatment For Men Who Are Balding

The Root Cause of Hair Loss

Before going out and trying Organin for hair loss, it is important to understand why you are experiencing hair loss. There are several causes that can make your hair fall out and stop growing. For example, your thyroid gland may be under or overactive. This will cause you to suffer hair loss.

Women may experience hair loss around three months after giving birth, owing to their hormones being out of balance. Whilst pregnant, high levels of hormones that would normally make your hair fall out, cause the body to retain the hair instead. When these hormones return to normal, the hair that should have previously fallen out will do so now, giving the appearance of hair loss.

Your hair loss could be caused by some particular types of medicines. Include, but not limited to, are anticoagulants, also known as blood thinners, and other medicines used in chemotherapy to treat cancer, or to treat maybe gout or depression. Stress and frequent indigestion can also cause hair loss by preventing blood from absorbing the vitamins and minerals you need to nourish the roots of your hair. Some hair loss can be remedied by a change of diet or medicines.

However, for most men, suffering from loss of hair has nothing to do with any of these things - it is hereditary, and there is not a lot you can do about it.

A Solution

Organin for hair loss is a relatively new solution to combat thinning and balding hair. Not a paint or a cream, it is a natural fiber uniquely formulated so that its textured fibers bind themselves to your existing hair. Organin for hair loss is an inexpensive alternative to the more expensive hair transplants and hair treatment formulae.

Organin for hair loss is perfectly safe to use on your skin. It won’t rub off on your face or clothing, and will easily wash away. Organin for hair loss is made totally from natural keratin fibers. This will give you an instant, natural look of a full head of hair.

Advantages to Using Organin

* It’s inexpensive when compared to other treatments

* Fast and easy to use, you just sprinkle it on your head where your hair is thinning

* The results are instant

* Organin for hair loss comes in many natural colors, black, brown, dark blond, light gray and ash blond, to match your own hair

* It stays on until you wash it out

Find the solution to your hair loss product problem at our website.

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